The story began with Nonno Alfredo I buying a farmhouse with a stable and transforming it into a restaurant with a few rooms to let. In those years tourism in Val di Sole had not yet developed and the inn was catering mainly for business travellers passing through the valley for work.
Alfredo I died and Nonna Caterina continued looking after the business, but not without mishaps and sacrifices, especially since she was left alone to look after four children (Bruno, Rita, Anita and Adriana).

Grocery, farmhouse, sewing shop, restaurant and inn.
The hotel business grew and the farming activity was abandoned. Bruno, the eldest son, started to manage the hotel together with his mother Caterina. They decided to improve and enlarge the hotel. In ’65 Bruno married Gina and soon the children Erica, Roberta and Alfredo II were born.

In ’96 Alfredo married Cinzia who chose to work with her husband at the hotel, becoming the bookkeeper and managing the house. Ravelli Hotel is enlarged and modernized and thus becomes a 4-star hotel in July 1997. Also, the next generation – Alessio Ravelli – is born.
After the death of Bruno, his son Alfredo manages Ravelli Hotel, while Cinzia operates at Ravelli Sporting. Both with the help of Nonna Caterina and Gina.

A new century in the hotels in Mezzana and Marilleva
As the years went by the business grew remarkably due to the efforts of Alfredo to constantly improve the house and the services. In December 2011, at the age of 98, after dedicating her whole life to the Ravelli hotels, Nonna Caterina died, leaving the business in the hands of Alfredo, Cinzia and mamma Gina. And the passion for hospitality still lives on with son Alessio studying Tourism and now managing the Ravelli Hotels together with his parents. The new century also brought a lot of modernization measures and improvements for both hotels. Refurbishing the rooms, building a pool and spa at Ravelli Sporting and the construction of the Lovely Lodges next to the Ravelli Hotel are just some milestones on the way. And in 2022 we celebrated 90 years of hospitality at the Ravelli Hotels. And there’s one thing you can be sure of, this weren’t the last steps the Ravelli family has taken on their path to the future - always keeping your well-being in mind.